Saturday, August 9, 2014

A  Reflection upon the biased rhetoric in the public & media with regards to Palestine:

“The Prophet (Muhammad) warned us about stature and money. He said that these are more dangerous for the religion of a person than a hungry wolf in the midst of sheep. This is what stops many people in the United States from speaking out about the Palestinian issue. Many people in the US, they know…they’ve got careers, they’re in all these news agencies, or they’re in academia and they know that it’s a death sentence for their careers. So stature is more important to them than truth.” - Hamza Yusuf, Rihla 2014 in Konya, Turkey summing up the tragedy of the so called "educated" people. 
Quick updates for me to look back at some day:

It's Saturday evening. I'm chilling at home with the books. The parents are at the Jazz Festival in Oakville. Broski is downstairs in the basement doing his broski things.
Surgery exams are coming up. Third year is about to finito! InshAllah i'll be off to Calgary in September and so begin electives. The next few months are going to be intense but hopefully fun.
I'm looking forward to being a part of the Massey college community this year. I decided to add my mom on facebook (its definitely made my online world more interesting - especially her "anti-evil" duas which she inserts as comments under my status')
That about sums up most things.

My friends are all busy doing their own lovely things in their own lovely worlds.
Life is coming at full speed and interestingly unpredictable at present. Anxiety, doubt, uncertainty, questions about identity and faith, practically hover over the minds of most of my friends these days. Of course all the seriousness is frequently interrupted by obnoxious laughter, the realization that we are still mentally 5 years old, 2 am ice-cream runs by the lake and the likes.

Here is some relief on that note:

" Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart, and never forget, that until the day God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, 'Wait and Hope.”  - From the Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexander Dumas

I pray InshAllah that all my loved ones stay under the protection of Allah (swt) and may He guide us all in the best of directions in all our affairs.